You may have caught wind of the story of a conservative blogger recently fired for . . . blogging. She apparently touched a nerve as bloggers tend to do. The title of the blog suffices in summarizing the theme and the author's intent. But, to satisfy your own curiosity, I've attached a link.
I've never fully read a black studies dissertation so I won't comment on the merits of her argument. But, I will say this. The beauty of college education today is that allows anyone with the means, self funded or otherwise, to pretty much study whatever his or her heart desires. It's the most fashionable game in town.
That is disturbing and here's why. My limited observations from neighbors and friends whose kids are working through junior and senior year at high school is that there is no reason to live other than to prepare that kid for college. Ever thing in the kid's personal and professional life is devoted towards moving on to the ivy covered walls of higher education. Unfortunately, for a great many nowadays, the money spent isn't worth the outcome. With almost 17% of college grads facing unemployment and a back breaking burden of debt, it's hard to justify the investment. This WSJ editorial, the really eye-opening graduation speech, helps explain why.
But, why bother with pointing out that people should tailor their skills towards the jobs the economy needs. As long as there's an opportunity to get out of your parents' hair for four years, go for it. My son or daughter went to Brown and all I got was this lousy t-shirt!
I do want to steal a bit of advice from a neighborhood friend though. He often has an argument with his in-law who happens to be a dentist. The argument is about the value of a college education and goes something like this. If you had to have potentially painful dental surgery, who would you rather have perform it? A 12 year unschooled but seasoned apprentice working daily in the practice or a kid fresh out of dental school with a piece of paper hanging on the wall? That touches a raw nerve now doesn't it? The theory of dentistry, or some other nonsense, put forth in a dissertation makes little difference when the metal touches the enamel.
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